By the way, using online writing help, one can learn from experienced writers and improve writing skills. Today, it’s possible to contact writing experts via the Internet in just one click. Hi-tech gadgets and information technology provide both students and teachers with a large number of learning opportunities. Keep on reading and find out how technology and good writing skills are connected.
Use Automated Tools for Writing
There are many programs that are designed with the aim to make students’ life easier. Their principle is the following: you need to copy the text into the program, it’ll process the information and give feedback within minutes or even seconds. There are various tools that check texts automatically.
Students can check not only grammar mistakes but also other parameters of the text. For example, such programs can analyze the text’s semantics, the percentage of water in the content, etc. Students can improve their academic writing skills when following the tips and correcting mistakes with the help of effective checker tools.
Do Grammar Exercises
Nobody likes learning grammar much. But today, even this boring task can be fun and easy with the help of new technology. There are many sites that offer to pass tests, learn grammar by doing exercises exactly on the websites and get the result. It’s the fastest way to find out what the correct answer is and memorize the rule.
Use Essay Punch and Tools Like This
It’s a program with writing prompts for students that help to write the essay. There are many exercises on the site that have been designed for students to practice in academic writing. Essay Punch is one of the most popular programs of that kind but it isn’t the only one. It’s a great tool for teachers as one can track the student’s progress with its help.
Be Creative – Use Multimedia
Students seldom like writing academic assignments because they seem to be time-consuming and boring. Is there any way to engage the student? The teacher should do this easily by asking to use multimedia tools in the process of writing. The combination of some PowerPoint presentation or a video with the lines of an essay will give better results.
When a student knows that his/her only reader will be the teacher, he/she thinks only about getting a positive grade. If the writer understands that more people will read his/her article, then, he/she will try to impress the target audience and create useful content that will engage the reader.
Use Tablets for Writing Essays
Most teachers admit that students show better academic progress when using gadgets in classes. What is the difference between writing an essay on the sheet of paper and on the tablet? Students use smartphones and tablets daily for entertainment and learning. Writing an essay on a tablet can be much more effective than doing the same task on a sheet of paper.
Enrich Vocabulary by Reading Digital Books
Everyone knows that those who read much don’t find it difficult to express their thoughts on almost any topic. According to statistics, there are not so many students who like reading paper books. This doesn’t refer to digital e-books. They are more convenient to use and are more popular than paper books. It’s possible to download a lot of books and carry many books in one wherever you go.
Use Web Tools to Boost Interest for Writing
Students often don’t understand why they need to spend hours on writing 5-paragraphs essays on abstract topics. The teacher’s task is to explain how writing skills will help them to achieve their goals in the future. It doesn’t matter what faculty you are studying. Everyone needs to have good writing skills to succeed. Give the task to students to create a website with some useful content for a certain target audience.
Publish the Best Student’s Work Using Online Options
The understanding of the fact that the best essay will be published on some online resources motivates students. Each of the students will try to do his/her best to win the competition and create a great essay that will be posted on the site where more people will be able to read and evaluate it.
Use Google Drive and Other Products for Collaboration
Students work in groups more effectively. Tools To Improve Writing Skills, there are a lot of hi-tech products that make it possible to create academic projects with peers and give feedback on them. It’s easy to use Google Drive to share documents with students. So, it’s a very useful tool for every college teacher.
As you can see, there is a lot of learning web-based opportunities that make it easier to improve writing skills. Choose those ways you consider the best for you and apply them in practice. Of course, there is no one formula of success for everyone but you can be sure that at least one of the listed methods will help to achieve good results in teaching academic writing.