In the old days, people were searching for the tricks to hack someone’s Gmail account. But, in the recent times, one of the most searched and hot topics is, ‘How to Hack Someone’s Facebook Account?’
We all know that after the launch in the year of 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and his fellow mates, Facebook has gained popularity drastically. Until December 2016, Facebook has over 1.86 billion active users which show the popularity and use of this social networking website. You can share your photos, videos, posts, or thoughts on your Facebook wall and all the people on Facebook can view or read it. It is a global platform to share your ideas and feelings. We can write a whole article on Facebook features and characteristics, but it will lead us to off the topic. In this article, we will discuss the tactics to hack someone’s Facebook account.
1) Know the password
The most common tactic to hack someone’s Facebook is knowing that person’s FB password. You can either search the documents if the person has mistakenly written the password somewhere or can guess by yourself if know the person’s tricks to set the password.
2) Hack their Email
If you know the email account which is used to create the Facebook profile of a person, then hack it to access Facebook. You can use the email to login into Facebook without entering the password. You can also reset the password through an email link by accessing the email account.
3) Security question, Help from Friends
You can also use the forget password option on the Facebook login screen. From the multiple options to reset the password, choose the security question. If you know the person whose account you are hacking, then most probably you can guess the answer to the security question. You can also get help from the mutual friends you have by clicking on ‘Recover your account with the help of friends’ if the first option doesn’t work. Ask your friends to provide help to access the Facebook.
4) Get the person’s mobile device
If you know someone personally, then find a way to get their mobile device for some time. Using it, you can easily access the Facebook, or TikTok can reset the password by entering forget password button and getting an OTP on the phone. Some hackers also use the tactic by diverting the OTP SMS to their PC or mobile to hack someone’s Facebook by just knowing the phone number which has been registered with Facebook.
5) Use a keylogger
Most of the people are not aware with this. A software keylogger is manually downloaded on the device of the user, and when the person types anything on the keyboard, it will be recorded on the software. It works in the background, so the user is not aware of it. You will get all these details on your email without being detected and access the person’s device. A hardware keylogger can also be used which works same as the software keylogger. The only difference is that, in a hardware keylogger, you need a USB drive which will be plugged into the PC of the person whose account you want to hack.
How will you protect your own Facebook account from hackers?
We have seen the tactics on how to hack someone’s Facebook account, but how will you protect yours? There are certain ways to follow. Check them below.
- Use a two-factor authentication on Facebook, so any time your account is logged in, you need to enter a code received on your device. Also, you will get notifications of the login activity.
- Use some standard apps to encrypt your data before it passes through the device’s calling feature
- Set a strong password including some upper cases, lower cases, numbers, and special characters. Never set your birthdate, phone number or any other detail which can be guessed easily.
- Install a firewall which will detect the keylogger software or any other suspicious activity of logging on your device.
- Remember to log out after you have done with the social media.
- Change your password at frequent times and never write or store it anywhere, not even on your device.
Important Note: Hacking someone’s Facebook is a transgression on a person’s privacy. So, you should not do this. The only intention behind sharing these tricks on ‘How to Hack Someone’s Facebook’ is just to secure your’s Facebook account from the hackers. Be virtually safe and don’t interfere in someone’s privacy.
Author Bio:
Mandip is a graduate in Information and Technology. He is a passionate blogger, SEO Specialist, and a Software Developer. He loves to write on Social Media, Technology, SEO, Internet Tips and Tricks. .