If you are searching How To Boost Wifi Signal With Aluminum Foil ? here is solution of this issue. Nowadays advanced Wifi also has very weak signal due to some radio signal interference or wall, electronic devices.
So here is Simple solution to boost Wifi signal on router without antenna using simple Trick meant With Aluminum Foil also this method working to boost Wifi signal on router without antenna.
Aluminum Foil is made of aluminum and aluminum alloy sheet which is very Good Conductor of heat and electric or radio Signal.
To Boost Wifi Signal You need :-
- Aluminum Foil OR Coke Can
- Wifi Router
- Adhesive tape
How To Boost Wifi Signal With Aluminum Foil
Here Is Steps :-
1) First Cut The Coke Can or Aluminum Foil in Round Shape like Below Image. Make sure it cut properly in line also if you are using Coke Can please make sure Can is Clean and there’s no water or Coke.
Boost Wifi Signal using Aluminum Can
2) Once you Cut The Coke Can or Aluminum Foil in Round Shape But that Coke Can or Aluminum Foil above the Wifi antenna.
3)Now Turn Off your Wifi Router and On and check Wifi Signal Strength. to check Wifi signal strength you can use App like Wifi Analyzer
4) Above App tell you how much Wifi signal boosted using Aluminum Foil OR Coke Can you can also boost your Mobile Signal Using Above Aluminum Foil OR Coke Can.
Here Is Simple Method To boost Mobile Signal OR Mobile Wifi Signal Mobile using Aluminum Foil OR Coke Can.
How to boost Mobile Wifi Signal
Do Aluminum foil block Wifi ? :-
No Aluminum foil Doesn’t block Wifi – Aluminum Foil is made of aluminum and aluminum alloy sheet which is very Good Conductor of heat and electric or radio Signal.
So its Myth That Aluminum foil block Wifi Signal at all but it help to boost Wifi Signal if you use Aluminum Properly.
Can Aluminum Foil Use as a Wifi Reflector ? :-
Yes Aluminum Foil Use as a Wifi Reflector. you have to just follow above instruction and you can use Aluminum Foil Use as a WiFi Reflector.