How To Limit Users Speed On Your Wi-Fi Connection

limit internet speed on wifi users


Limiting the Speed of Users on a Wireless Network

You can very easily limit the Wi-Fi speed for others if their access is affecting your own, and forcing you to have to deal with slower speeds. While routers are able to behave as firewalls, this is not always the best solution. Setting limits directly at the router may well be an easier solution, and this method can help resolve a range of issues, including:

  1. Server ping loss (timing out)
  2. Connector issues
  3. The distance between devices and routers becoming a factor
  4. Downloads proceeding day and night
  5. Search speed rates becoming much slower than usual

Hiding the Wireless Network Name

Keeping the name of your wireless network hidden is probably the easiest way to protect the speed of your own Wi-Fi speed as well as limit others making use of it, and there are methods of restricting the speed of your router for particular clients only also you can test your  wifi speed using wifi speed test .

When you make use of this method, different users of the Wi-Fi system will have a changed download or program rate of speed, or bandwidth, and different speed and bandwidth levels than you do.

Router companies make limiting bandwidth for specific devices simple. Every company has an online portal or website that allows you to login and adjust your settings when setting up the router. You can also adjust these settings at any time, and can change them to suit specific situations.

For example, if you have a TPlink router you can adjust your settings as follows:

  • Navigate to or or
  • When asked for login and password details enter the login and password you assigned at setup (user and password is commonly admin: admin).
  • Navigate to DHCP setting and ignore all other info.
  • Under DHCP settings you’ll see DHCP Client Lists > Open this and you’ll see all the devices currently connected to your router, along with their IP addresses and details.
  • Copy the IP address you want to alter bandwidth for >  go to Bandwidth Control Settings.
  • In Bandwidth Control Settings paste the IP address in IP Range and adjust the Ingress and Egress bandwidth settings as per your connection speed > enable settings.

If you follow these steps and put a data transfer capacity cut-off into place for particular individuals who are downloading 24 hours a day, you will quickly be able to enjoy an expansion in both your browsing and download speeds.


The Problem with This Approach

You will need to ensure that the limit that you have instituted for other users is separate to yours.

Let’s assume that your plan is 2MBPS, and you have decided on a 500KBPS for other users: if you have not put a limit in place for them, their new speed will be influenced by your use. In this example, the ideal method would be to set a 1.5MPS limit for yourself as well, leaving other users to make use of the new pace you have set with no noticeable difference in their loss of speed.


Other Methods of Finding Active Wi-Fi Network Clients

If you don’t wish to locate active clients in your router by constantly logging into IP, then you should consider the option of making use of the services of third-party software. Directly downloading wireless network watcher software will solve your problem after the installation process has completed, and will help you set the limits into place that you wish to.

While the other users of your Wi-Fi connection will have to put up with slower download rates for their various activities, the rate at which you can enjoy your online activities will not be affected & you can protect the speed of your own Wi-Fi Speed.



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About the Author: admin