One of the best things you can do to enhance your online presence is redesign the company website after several years. In order to make the most of this redesign, it pays to contact a Toronto & GTA SEO agency and get input from experts who know what it takes to gain positive attention from the major search engines. Here are some of the ways that the right professional will help your new site be better than what was in place before.
Conducting a Complete SEO Assessment
In order to determine what would work best for your business, the expert will start off by conducting a full SEO assessment. This type of evaluation leaves nothing out of the mix. Everything from the page headers to the tags to the images to the text will come under close scrutiny.
The goal is to identify what strengths are already present in the existing content. There’s a good chance that some of it can be retained for the new site. This is also the opportunity to pinpoint what’s not in line with current search engine algorithms and make sure none of those issues are included in the new design.
Eliminating Issues That Lead to Lower Page Rankings
A number of issues can lead to lower page rankings. The use of phrases that don’t really fit into the content can lower interest. The same is true for content that seems to be stuffed with keywords while serving no real purpose. Elements that make the pages take a long time to load can also hurt.
With the current shift toward mobile as the foundation for rankings, it could be that something about your pages simply doesn’t work well on a smaller screen. If so, that can be changed as the new site is created. You may even find that investing in the creation of an app as well as a mobile site may be in your best interests.
Focusing on Quality Evergreen Content
Search engines tend to like web pages that offer real value to site visitors. That means the content quality has to be high. Everything from the headers to the images to the text must deliver on the promise of what a visitor to the site will encounter. If that doesn’t happen, you can bet that the search engines will pass it over in favor of more helpful pages.
Using the Right Keywords and Key Phrases
Some keywords and phrases remain popular from one year to the next. Others trend for a time and then fade away. An expert knows how to evaluate the keywords currently used on the site. That means considering the popularity in general as well as how they resonate with your target audience.
Along with choosing the right keywords, an expert will ensure they are relevant to the subject matter found on the page. Search engines rank pages lower when the keywords have little to do with the page topics.
Are your ready to begin upgrading an aging website? Now is the time to call one of the Toronto SEO services and arrange for an expert to take a look at what you have in place. With the right changes, you could see a significant increase in traffic.