Televisions are devices or systems which were progression since the medieval period of the technology development. Television hasn’t lost it royalty since the day it was invented. Right from the time mechanical television came into existence then black and white to the technology rising to LED and LCD televisions the enthusiasm for TV hasn’t put down. Though there are a lot of things which made a replacement as the technology has grown lofty, television doesn’t find another replacement to it yet as now. Rather the system itself brings up betterment through upgrading it; say picture tube televisions to LCD and LED. One such updated feature of Television is Fiber TV launched by Google.
What’s more significant over Fiber TV?
Fiber TV is a bag full of entertainment. In the world of smartphones and technology Fiber TV has come along with a go to relish the people with exotic features. The optic television renders its folks with high definition and an impeccable quality. It won a lot of hearts with a massive number of channels ranging up to 200 and more. The application avails about ten thousand channels with an enormous number of movies and it’s up to the viewer’s choice on choosing the channels he wishes to.
Digital Video Recording is not a big deal now because any dish connection renders that option. To make difference Fiber TV has enhanced more in the options, say the user can record about 8 channels simultaneously up to 500 hours with crystal clear.
Easy hunt to eyehook our shows instantly
In our television if you missed out forgot the channel’s number where your favorite show is going on, what would you do? You probably get into the menu where there would be thousand other channels and you’ll have to choose the category in which the channel belongs to and then you will have to explore over the listicle. Doesn’t this seem to look a bit of complication to get through the procedure? Now on Fiber TV has reinforced something where we can reach our channel in a snap of seconds and in fewer clicks. All we have to do is to get into the search panel and type anything related to the show say the program’s title any other keywords like the protagonist of the show also. The application comes up with instant answers and we’ll have to choose from the list of suggestions.
Cast Technology
Another enhancement to amplify and intensify the application is Cast technology. The Cast technology in Fiber TV enables its user to get notified on the latest and newest episodes of the favorite shows of its subscribers. The application not just announces the latest ones but also the re-telecast of our favorites shows which are already done with its finale. And again here we can record the shows regardless of the older and new episodes through Digital Video Recording (DVR).
Fiber TV itself recommends its viewers for recording option to those shows which are streaming live. The recordings are downloaded and stored in space DVR queue so that the user can later watch the recorded videos without any chaos. The user doesn’t have to connect his device to the TV that is there is no extra setup needed to make the feature work. The laptop or Smartphone will have already been connected to the Wi-Fi and no other auxiliary connections needed, the Google box is built into the TV boxes.
Application which is worthwhile
Fiber TV is extremely fast; it provides the viewers with 1000 Mbps and has an exceptional downloading speed which is faster than a broadband connection. So you might think that if an application is gotta run with such speed and downloading capacity for sure it would have a drawback like a video which is getting downloaded or recorded might be compressed. To all these interrogatories the answer would be a big NO! Fiber TV is transparent and lucrative as it brings up a null difference between the downloaded video with its original one.
Of course, it’s cost-efficient, just put it into estimation how much it would cost for a broadband connection to download high-quality videos whereas here in Fiber TV app we can subscribe with just $120 and $300 installation. Doesn’t that sound remunerative? For this reason, there were loads and loads of subscription for Fiber TV on estimating an analysis based on the inflation in number taken at the second quarter of 2016.
Whacks in reaching Fiber TV
Downloading Fiber TV isn’t a big deal. It’s easily available at our popular store Google play store as well as App Store for iOS. Certainly yes, the application is common for all users of different operating systems say Android, iOS, and Windows. And the organization are working progress to make the Fiber a TV app for TV subscribers and expected to get done with it forthcoming weeks, as they feel that they would reach a huge number of masses by taking this step.
Revive action, to make it even bigger
The application walks in with a tremendous and a drastic growth into the coming year. Though Fiber TV has a prosperous outcome in every of its endeavors, the organization seems to amuse the folks with ultimate elation with amazing upgradability and enhancement which any other application might offer them. Fiber wants to synchronize it with recommendations like Netflix.
Fiber TV announced that they are planning to halt the expansion process for the nonce. The expansion was literally planned to plant a vivid footing in the fifth generation of fast internet connection and they were also done with the approval of license from FCC short for Federal Communication Commission. To the misfortune to the organization due to the layoff of a few workers in their administration they couldn’t make it happen. Nevertheless, the Cast technology made a huge mass to look ahead of their progress.
Instant fixing up with issues
Like other applications, even Fiber TV encounters with a few issues and other technical problems. But it’s not a big problem for the team face. It’s because they have intense knowledge on their core. They know how to fix up with the issues in a snap of seconds. The highlight of this part is the customer doesn’t have to hold on to the call for more than 5 minutes within which the technical team will fix it up with all issues. Being flawless is not a big deal, but how much ever glitch we get through we should know to get over it and master it. Fiber TV’s technical nailed it.
Watch Google Fiber Tv On pc – Google fiber on Demand movies
In conclusion
The world is now full of technology. Technology has swept off our feet. We long for better inventions each day. Each invention and enhancement over our cherished devices makes us fond of and luxuriates in it. Television is one such invention. We cherish and relish every enhancement over televisions and Fiber TV is like adding a cherry to the cake. This means Fiber TV seems to be an ultimate idea like any other enhancement a device could have.
But we can’t conclude saying that Fiber TV is going to be the end of all enhancement over the television. Inventions nowadays are out of the blue, they happen like we wouldn’t even have forecasted that technology would develop this immense and tremendous.