Target Cartwheel and How Does It Work? Are you struggling to keep up with the ever steady rise of product prices all over the country? Why don’t you try using discount programs offered by various groceries and department stores like Walgreens or Target?
These discount programs will help you save money while getting the best quality food items and grocery store your family still. For now, we will focus on one of targets most recent discount promos called “Cartwheel at Target.”
Would you like to learn more about this promo? Go ahead and read on. We will try to give us much information as possible through this article.
Target Cartwheel
Definition of Terms
Cartwheel on Target refers to a mobile application platform that allows the user to save anywhere from 5 to 50% depending on the kind of products that you will get from Target itself. You can choose from a variety of available offers and use the percentage discount at the store while stacking the manufacturer’s coupon on top of all the other discounts that you will get from Target at any time.
Here are some other discount programs that you can use along with Cartwheel.
- Target Redcard
- The Target Store Coupon
By combining the coupons above with Cartwheel, you will increase your savings tenfold and you will get to have cast that offers regularly from the management. It may even become a source of income for you.
Cartwheel Limitations
There are certain limitations that the need to be aware of when using cartwheel though. Here they are as follows:
Based on target policy, hart we’ll discounts are not intended to further decrease the price of products matched in other stores. The effects of this particular card are only confined to Target products.
You will also not be able to use this discount card to reduce the prices of the products that you are going to buy.
How Does The Program Work?
You can use the Cartwheel Discount Programs through the Target app itself. Just downloaded onto your smartphone, all registered with an e-mail or Facebook account as well as your own account on the website itself.
The website is most accessible in mobile form and desktops.
From here, you may be able to select the offers that you might want and save it for later purchase. After you’re done window shopping, you can go to My Cartwheel. This is where you get your unique barcode on the phone.
After getting your bar code, just percent your cell phone to the dish year and here she will scan a bar code to see whether are not you are eligible to be discounted.
For Non-Online Users
If you don’t have that the app on your phone, you may take an alternative route and do this instead.
Click on the bar code feature on the top of your account using Cartwheel on your desktop computer. This will record a picture of your bar code. After taking the picture, you can now print out the barcode so that the cashier can scan it along with your products.
Once the barcode is scant, you will get discounted for any products that might apply. You will receive a rebate for every item that he bought and scanned after the purchase. You get discounted for all the items on your list in the end.
Additional Reminders
- Remember that your personal bar code will never change so there would be no need to print out your bar code every single time that you shop at Target.
- It would also help to know that you can only use Cartwheel for four items per Cartwheel coupon in one transaction.
- It is also advisable for you to trim and laminate your bar code photo for future use. This way, you will always have it available in your pocket without delay.
- If you are fond of surprise deals in various companies, chances are you will enjoy looking for the hidden deals that were left by Target. You can also do the same from the website.
- Make sure that you look for hidden deals both on web browsers and on mobile phones. There are some deals that are only visible to one platform and not the other.
Calculating a Cartwheel Discount
After the barcode has been scanned for all items, the percentage discount will automatically be calculated for qualifying purchases and totals. The discount percentage will be deducted from the total amount of all the items.
In short, the discount is calculated based on the total price of the products purchased after the coupon discounts have been deducted to it.
Here is an example:
Let’s say that you have bought two items at the Target grocery section (priced at $6.00 each) for the promo. If these two items qualify, and you have manufacturer coupons that will give you about $2.00 each, the Cartwheel program will then subtract at least 2 to 3 dollars off your price.
The discount will apply to both items.
If you have another coupon aside from Cartwheel, all discounts will be deducted after the transaction itself. You cannot use one coupon to increase the discount off the other coupon.
How Many Times Can You Use Cartwheel?
You can use all the discount coupons at your disposal as many times as you would like until they expire. However, there is a daily limit of about six barcode scans. This is not an item limit though. This means that you may use the Cartwheel discounts on as many items as you like six times a day, every day until the offer expires.
After expiration, the author will drop from your phone or from the website itself unless you remove it earlier.
More Pointers on Transactions
There can only be one bar code scan per transaction. You will also be able to purchase at least four items unless specified using each bar code. In short, you can buy four items at a discount six times using the barcode in a day.
It would always help you to read the details of each offer. You can click on the discount links for each offer for more details. If you have the application on your mobile phone, please do not hesitate to click on the docks on the upper corners of your screen.
The general no stated above always apply for offers unless otherwise specified. This is why you have to read the fine print when it comes to learning all that you can about discounts. There are slight changes that might occur so you need to know and be aware of these things before you make the purchase.
The Final Words
With all these pointers, it is safe to say that you need to be very careful about using your discounts and coupons in the future. You have to be aware of the rules and regulations that apply to each of these coupons so that you might end up maximizing what you already have for grocery items in the future.
If you are able to do this and be smart about it, you will certainly get to have the chance to make the most out of your discounts in the end. You may even end up saving a lot more money than what you normally would expect with coupons such as these.
For more information, please do not hesitate to visit the Target website. They will surely accommodate you and your questions regarding their promos as soon as possible.