In today’s time of fast technology, most of the accessories are turning into mobile electronic devices. That can be easily attached to your body like smart watches and fitness bands.
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We find it highly secure as these smart devices are attached to our body but in real, these devices are not so secured!
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In the recent research, it is found that these Smart Watches and other fitness bands are not so secure as you think, these devices can be easily used to steal your ATM pin and other personal data. The motion sensors used in these wearable devices is where the risk lies.
These sensors can easily collect information about your hand movements and other venerable data, and this makes it easy for hackers to reproduce the trajectories of your hand and regenerate the secret key that you entered.
The security experts have found that almost every wearable device contains one security vulnerability that makes it easy for the hackers to hack your device easily. With an increase in technology, we can see a vast increase in the adoption of smartwatches. Thus it is the responsibility of the manufacturers to pay close attention towards customers security. As these devices can easily open doors for the hacker’s and they can easily access personal and sensitive information.
Well as a user it critical to take precautions while transmitting personal data or connecting Smartwatches into various networks, as we all know that these wearable devices can be exploited easily and attackers can regenerate the trajectories of the user’s hand and can easily recover secret key of ATM cash machines, electronic door locks, etc.
It is found under the research from Binghamton University and the Stevens Institute of Technology that with the help of a computer algorithm, hackers can easily collect your personal data using such devices and can crack your passwords.
How can they retrieve your Passwords and PINs Using this Algorithm?
Researchers have found that these “Backward PIN-Sequence Inference” algorithm can easily be used to capture anything a person type on the keypad, even the slight hand movements can be easily captured while entering PINs or any other personal details.
Researchers have found that Hacker’s can easily install a video camera or fake keypad into your smartwatch or fitness band to hack your personal information.
Here are some of the methods used by hackers to attack your wearable devices:
According to the research team, it is found that this is a unique technique that can reveal personal data and PINs from wearable devices without any contextual information.
There are two types of hacking techniques that can be achieved easily, these are:
- Internal Attack
- Sniffing Attacks.
With the use of internal attack, hackers can easily access embedded sensors in wrist-worn wearable devices through the use of malware. This malware works as such that it waits until the user accesses his/her key-based security system and this malware sends sensor data back to the hacker. And this way a hacker can easily aggregate the sensor data to determine the victim’s PIN.
A hacker can also place a wireless sniffer close to a key-based security system so as to eavesdrop sensor data from these wearable devices which are sent using Bluetooth to the user’s associated smartwatch and another wearable device.
Researchers have not yet found any specific solution for this problem but have suggested to the device developer companies to inject a certain type of noise to the device data. So that hackers cannot use the drives data and algorithm hand movements, and it is an effective solution especially for fitness tracking purposes such as activity recognition and step counts.
Another simple and best way is not to use these smart watch or sensor tracking gadgets while going for financial transactions and while entering your passwords or PINs. Do keep in mind always to use the hand that is not having a wearable device like Smartwatch and fitness band with the highly sophisticated motion tracker.
Thus, it is good to move along with the technology, but you must be smart enough and must know all the good and bad outcomes of these smart devices.